icon Rosetta Online Help

143 commands


Good practices and recommendations

1) Make a channel dedicated to the bot and use the command /mod cleanup toggle.

2) Remove the "send message" permission in the channel where you don't want it to be usable. (Note: Commands will still appear in said channel unless disabled in your Server Integration Permissions.)

3) (Optional) In your Server Settings, under "Integration", you can tune which and how a command is usable (See below for more informations).

4) Make sure the bot has the "use external emoji" permission enabled.

You can use /mod server info or the Message Command Server Info to verify quickly if something is enabled or disabled.
Keep in mind anyone with the "manage message" permission is considered a moderator by the bot. You can restrict those commands via the Server Integration Permissions if needed.


Select a channel where you want the bot to post notifications and use /mod announcement toggle_channel.
You can see your settings with /mod announcement see.
Do note, if the channel is an Announcement Channel and you enabled the Auto Publish setting, it will auto publish posts, up to the hourly 10 posts publish limit,.


You can setup a pinboard channel. Here are some steps to guide you:
1) First, make or select the text channel where the pinned messages will appear. Make sure the bot has access to it and do /mod pinboard output_here.
2) Use /mod pinboard track in all the channels you want the bot to track. Make sure the bot can access those channels. Forum Posts are also supported.
3) Use /mod pinboard settings to see your settings or change them. Emoji lets you change the emoji used to trigger the pin, Threshold lets you change how many emojis are required, Mod Bypass lets Moderators bypass the threshold.

A pin will occur when people react, with the select emoji, to messages in the tracked channels. The required number of reaction is the threshold you set. If the Mod Bypass is enabled, a mod reacting will instantly trigger the pin. Do /help search:pinboard to see all the related commands if you need more help.

Server Integration Permissions

Like mentionned at the start, you can disable or restrict certain command groups to specific channels or roles, in your Server Settings, under "Integration".
If you are a server administrator, all commands will keep working for you regardless of the settings.
If you want to test your settings, go under "Roles", pick a suitable one and use the "View Server as Role" feature.

Context Menu

Right clicking on an user or message lets you access the following Context Menus.
help 1
Such commands are called, in the command list, Message Command for message ones, User Command for user ones.

Frequently Asked Questions / Troubleshooting

What is Rosetta?

Rosetta is a Granblue Fantasty themed Discord Bot.
It's a fork of MizaBOT (which was available on GitHub).
Code source is available here.
It provides various commands, ranging from utilty to recreative ones, related (or not) to the game.
This page is meant to be a private help page for people with access to this Discord Bot.
The bot itself isn't open to invitations.

Does the bot collect my messages/data?

See the Privacy tab.

Can you explain the various command types?

Slash Commands are used by simply typing / in chat.
User Commands are used by right clicking on an user and going into the Apps context menu.
Message Commands are used by right clicking a message and going into the Apps context menu.

How do I report a bug?

Errors are usually automatically reported but, if you found an odd behavior or what seems like an error, you can use the /bug_report command or open an issue on Github.

Emotes used by the bot don't work

Make sure the bot has the Use External Emojis permission enabled.
If you thinkered with the invite link or the bot role permissions (which I don't recommend to), you can use the invitation link again to restore them to default (without needing to kick the bot).
If the problem persists, make sure you didn't give a role, with this permission disabled, to the bot.
This paragraph is true for other permissions that the bot might need.

How do I remove my GBF Profile ID?

Your linked GBF ID can be removed with the /gbf profile unset command. It's also deleted if you leave all servers where the bot is present.

How do I remove my set Rolls?

Your spark data is deleted after 30 days without an update, just leave it alone.

One or multiple commands don't work

If no commands appear when typing /, you might have to wait (it can take up to one hour to register them).

If you get an "Interaction failed" error, either you tried to use a command without the proper permission (example, a mod command without being mod), you or the bot doesn't have the permission to run this command in this channel, OR the bot is down or rebooting.

My command froze/hanged

The bot most likely rebooted or crashed during this timeframe, bad luck for you.

The command didn't register what I set

Again, the bot most likely rebooted and it didn't save in properly. Just wait and do it again.

When are the Unite and Fight rankings updated?

They are updated in-game every 20 minutes.
To ensure they are properly updated, the bot waits minute 3, 23 or 43 to start fetching the data.
Commands such as /gw ranking will be updated almost immediatly.
For other commands such as /gw find crew or /gbfg ranking, it will take around 7 more minutes.
Do note the bot doesn't update everything in some periods (during breaks or crews during interlude for example).

Privacy Policy

This tab describes the privacy policy of Rosetta.
We do not store any personally identifiable data nor do we share any data to a third party.
When the bot leaves a server, data related to this server is deleted in the next monthly cleanup.
The following points describe in details what kind of data is accessed or saved by the bot.

Data Collected Automatically

When reacting to a message, this message is processed by the bot, for the purpose of the Pinboard feature. The message itself isn't saved or stored for further use, nor used for any other purpose, and no data is collected from the message itself.

Same thing applies if you use the vxtwitter feature to convert your twitter links: Message ares read and processed upon received by the bot but nothing is saved or stored for further use.

Data Collected by Commands

The following data is stored:


Your user ID is issued to the developper upon sending a bug report, to contact you back if needed or link the report to a previous error message.
User and/or server IDs are also issued, along with the command used, when a critical error occurs, for debugging purpose.

We reserve the right to remove you the possiblity to use this instance of Rosetta if you abuse it (purposely making it crash, for example) or to use it to break Discord Terms of Service.
This software is licensed under the MIT License.
For anything else, please refer to Discord Terms of Service.