MizaBOT Online Help


What is this?

MizaBOT is a Granblue Fantasty themed Discord Bot.
It's open source and available on GitHub.
It provides various commands, ranging from utilty to recreative ones, related (or not) to the game.

What to do after inviting the bot?

1) Don't panic if you can't use the bot yet! The commands can take up to one hour to show up.(It's an innate Discord limitation, sadly).

2A) Make a bot channel if you want. The bot is designed to not post in channels where it doesn't have the "send messages" permission, meaning you can confine it in one channel if you desire to.

2B) If you still want to use it in other channels, there is an auto clean up system (meaning the command messages will be deleted after a while, to avoid spam). Check out the command /mod cleanup toggle (and its helpers /mod cleanup reset, /mod cleanup see)

3) Make sure the bot has the external emoji permission or it won't be able to use its custom emojis. More details in the FAQ.

And you are mostly done after this.

What other features can I enable on my server?

1) If you are a server for a Granblue Fantasy Crew, you can set your Crew Strike Time with /mod strike set.
Simply give it the hours (JST Timezone).
The command /mod strike del allows you to delete them.
Your Strike Times will appear when using the /gbf info command.

2) You can setup a pinboard with the /mod pinboard enable command. It's not very complicated but here are detailed steps:
First, activate developer mode in your Discord Settings, it will come handy.
Second, go to every channels you want to be able to trigger the pinboard, and copy their ID (with a right click > Copy ID)
Third, put those IDs together in one string, separated by a semi colon (example: 4687977847;84786464;64768468)
Fourth, make a new channel dedicated to it, called pinboard or whatever. Right click on that channel and copy its ID too (Don't put it with the others).
Finally, make sure the bot can access those channels. It only needs the read permission for the tracked channels but it needs the send message permission to post in the output one.

Now you can do /mod pinboard enable:
tracked_channels will be the string I made you do.
emoji is the emote people must react with to trigger the pin.
threshold is the number of reactions to be reached to trigger the pin.
mod_bypass allows a mod to force the pin just by reacting with that emote. Set it to 1 to enable. It's useful for small or slow servers.
pinning_channel is the ID of the pinboard channel you created.

You can redo the /mod pinboard enable command to change those settings or use /mod pinboard disable to disable it.
Finally, /mod pinboard see lets you see your current server pinboard settings.

Pinning a message is then easy: People must react to the message with the corresponding emoji.
Once it meets the required amount of reactions you set, someone must go under the Apps menu of the message and click on Pin message.

3) You can setup a channel to receive notifications about game updates or important news for the bot.
First, setup a channel for the bot to post in (makes sure its permissions are alright) or select a general channel where you think it would be ok for the bot to post.
Next, simply do, in this channel, /mod announcement toggle channel .
That's all. Use the command again to disable, or in another channel to change it.
You can only set one channel per server.

How do I host my own copy of the Bot?

First, I wouldn't recommend hosting your own copy. The bot is tailored around my needs and might be problematic to setup.
If you are still interested, the Github Wiki might help.
It's not always up to date but I keep it updated as much as possible.

Frequently Asked Questions / Troubleshooting

Does the bot collect my messages/data?

No. It never did and, since version v9.0, the bot is in fact unable to even see the user messages.

Can you explain the various command types?

Slash Commands are used by simply typing / in chat.
User Commands are used by right clicking on an user and going into the Apps context menu.
Message Commands are used by right clicking a message and going into the Apps context menu.

How do I report a bug?

Errors are usually automatically reported but, if you found an odd behavior or what seems like an error, you can use the /bug_report command.

Emotes used by the bot don't work

Make sure the bot has the Use External Emojis permission enabled.
If you thinkered with the invite link or the bot role permissions (which I don't recommend to), you can use the invitation link again to restore them to default (without needing to kick the bot).
If the problem persists, make sure you didn't give a role, with this permission disabled, to the bot.
This paragraph is true for other permissions that the bot might need.

How do I remove my GBF Profile ID?

Your linked GBF ID can be removed with the /gbf profile unset command. It's also deleted if you leave all servers where the bot is present.

How do I remove my set Rolls?

Your spark data is deleted after 30 days without an update, just leave it alone.

One or multiple commands don't work

If none of the commands appear and the bot was in your server BEFORE the v9.0, make sure your server owner refreshed the permissions (He only need to click the invite link and to authorize again, no need to kick the bot).

If no commands appear when typing /, you might have to wait (it can take up to one hour to register them).

If you get an "Interaction failed" error, either you tried to use a command without the proper permission (example, a mod command without being mod), you or the bot doesn't have the permission to run this command in this channel, OR the bot is down or rebooting.

My command froze/hanged

The bot most likely rebooted during this timeframe, bad luck for you.

The command didn't register what I set

Again, the bot most likely rebooted and it didn't save in properly. Just wait and do it again.

Slash commands suck, how do I get back the old ones?

Impossible. Blame Discord for pushing this change, not me.