This page catalogs assets for the mobile game Granblue Fantasy.
Users often find themselves tinkering with URLs or utilizing Google Chrome Dev Tools when attempting to retrieve specific art pieces.
Please acknowledge that assets could potentially become inaccessible or undergo modifications at the discretion of Cygames.
You can press the Index button and browse the available elements or input an ID in the search bar.
Most IDs can be found on the wiki, under the extra tab.
Then, click on images to access their highest quality.
You can also search Characters, Summons, Weapons, Skins, Classes and NPC having journal entries by Name or Tags.
Some elements require to prefix a letter to the ID. 'e' for enemies, 'ms' for stories, 'fa' for fate episodes, 'q' for events, 'sk' for skills, 'b' for buffs.
There are many exceptions and quirks for some elements, in particular for Main Stories, Events and Fate Episodes.
For Classes, simply input the main class ID: 450301 for Relic Buster.
Character styles are part of their base characters.
Example: Yngwie.
On PC, you can do CTRL+clic on an element to load it on a new tab instead of the current page.
You can also CTRL+clic search tags to add them to the current search.
While using this webpage, you might come across the following icons: means that this Buff has variations available.
means that clicking will open the asset directly.
means that this asset comes from the Sky Compass (Note: Tie-in related content never get those type of assets).
Finally, if you see event elements with a cyan background, they will have Sky Compass assets available inside.
Characters, Skins, Partners IDs are 10 digits long.
First Digit is a 3.
Second Digit is a 0 for characters, 7 for skins, 8 for partners.
Third digit is the rarity, from 1 for N to 4 for SSR.
NPCs ID are similar, except the second and third digits are 9.
Summons are like Characters but start with a 2.
Weapons too, except they start with a 1 and the fifth digit matches with the weapon type.
Enemies got 8 digits are a bit unclear but the first digit matches the enemy type and the second might be related to what kind of content the enemy is for.
Event IDs use the event start date in YYMMDD format.
And, of course, exceptions exist.
Updates to this page require manual interventions.
As such, you can expect them to occur between 15:00 and 08:00 JST, when I'm available.
It denotes that the element you are attempting to access hasn't been fully cataloged.
You can expect this message to disappear after the next upate.
Otherwise, please bring it to my attention.
Some approximations are made for some assets (because checking everything would be a colossal task).
As a result, the page can't guess if they exist until you try to access them. If none exists, the section remove itself to not clutter the page.
For exemple, the Class Unlock section on any main character skin, or every special categories like Siero Academy, Fate episode rewards, etc... on characters.
First, most search tags come directly from the wiki. If you think there is a mistake, check the related wiki page.
However, in the case of NPCs, those with tags coming from the wiki are also NPCs you can find in the in-game journal. Some NPCs are added to the journal way after being added to the game (years later in some cases), hence the date discrepency between their release date and their position in the ID index.
In conclusion, don't worry.
Upon discovering a missing asset or identifying an error, please send me the asset's url and the ID of the element.
You can find ways to contact me on the bottom of my home page, check/open an issue on the GitHub repository or use this form.
Please take note: While I try to keep it as complete as possible, scene arts for NPCs and events are hard to list and you can expect some to be missing.
If you noticed a problem or bug on this page, you can open an issue in the GitHub repository or contact me directly.
Try to explain clearly what the problem is and provide screenshots, if possible.
The following won't be added, either for technical reasons, because it wouldn't be very useful or because it would be beyond the scope of this project:
Event/Enemy voice lines, SFX sound files, Music files, Items Icons, Ability/Skill spritesheets.
It might change in the future.
Add to the list anything already well documented on the wiki or other community-run websites, such as Stickers, Promotional arts, etc...
Audios are treated like a "fun" bonus added to this project.
A lot more haven't or can't be added, often for technical reasons, and likely won't as it's not the main focus of its project.
Also, a lot of Character voice lines are unused or placeholders. I can't curate those by hands all on my own so they will stay accessible. However, don't use this project to find and submit unused audios to the wiki for example. Check their guidelines on that regard.
Concerning unreleased assets, there are instances where Cygames inadvertently makes assets from upcoming content accessible to the general public.
In such occurrences, to prevent any potential complications, you can expect me to promptly delist these assets, if it's apparent that they were intended to remain concealed and if Cygames hasn't already addressed the situation.
For older unreleased/unused content, you can simply search for cut-content.
The project is open source, under the MIT License.
In the advent that I quit or disappear, you can do whatever you want, within the license scopes, with this project.
You can help filling enemies and NPC names when new ones are added by using this form.
Otherwise, you can leave a star on the GitHub repository to show your support.
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